
The role of ChatGPT in higher education and employment

July 22, 2024
The Role Of Chat Gpt

The use of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT is becoming more common in both academic and professional settings. A survey by Cibyl in May 2023 shows how students across the UK, including Wales, are using ChatGPT to help with their studies and job applications. Let’s take a look at what this means for you and the evolving role of digital tools in education and employment.

Use of ChatGPT in academic settings

According to the survey, 50% of students are using ChatGPT for their studies. They’re relying on it for research (51%), completing course assignments (47%), and even during exams (31%). Students find ChatGPT especially helpful for speeding up the research process and generating discussion points. The flip side is they’re also aware of its limitations and occasional inaccuracies.

The Turnitin report on AI-generated content

Adding another layer to this conversation is recent research from Turnitin, the online essay submission platform and plagiarism detector you will be all too familiar with. Their findings showed that out of 200 million papers submitted, more than 22 million had at least 20% AI-generated content. Turnitin’s AI detector tool, launched in April 2023, found that around 11% of students submitted such work, with about 3% of papers consisting of at least 80% AI content. This highlights the increasing use of AI in academic writing and the challenges it brings.

ChatGPT in job applications and recruitment processes

If you’re in the middle of applying for jobs or placements, you will be interested to hear that nearly half of the students (47%) said they would use ChatGPT for filling out job application forms. Many are also open to using it at various stages of the recruitment process, including online tests (39%), interviews (37%), and assessment centres (38%). This trend shows how students are leveraging AI tools to handle complex job application procedures.

But be careful! Recent findings from the Institute of Student Employers show that over 90% of job seekers are now using AI tools like ChatGPT to refine their job applications. Because more candidates use AI to polish their CV’s and applications, it’s harder for employers to distinguish between candidates which is leading to a renewed appreciation for traditional, in-person engagement methods in the hiring process.

As AI continues to evolve, it will be crucial for you to improve essential skills such as communication, critical thinking, and interpersonal abilities. These skills are vital during face-to-face interviews, where personal interactions can leave a lasting impression and help you connect with potential employers. So, while AI can help you create a great application, don’t rely on it too much. Focusing on direct communication and showcasing your personality during interviews can help you stand out in a competitive job market.

Student perceptions of ChatGPT

Most students surveyed view ChatGPT positively, with 55% saying it makes life easier. However, there are still concerns about its potential biases and the accuracy of the information it provides. Interestingly, 53% of students support some form of oversight or regulation of AI tools like ChatGPT.

Demographic insights

The survey included responses from 647 students at UK universities, covering various demographic groups. Students in their final year and black students are the most likely to have used ChatGPT. While specific Welsh data wasn’t highlighted, students from Welsh universities were included, indicating significant engagement with AI tools in Wales.

Implications for Welsh universities and employers

Welsh universities and employers have a great opportunity to further integrate AI into their curricula and recruitment processes. By adapting teaching methods to include AI competencies and understanding its use in job applications, they can better prepare students for the evolving demands of the workforce.

This article, based on the recent surveys by Cibyl and the Institute of Student Employers, reflects on the significant role of ChatGPT in education and employment, highlighting its benefits and challenges. As the landscape of digital tools evolves, understanding their impact is crucial for graduates in the educational and employment sectors.

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