
Demand for graduates in Wales projected to soar by 2035

July 29, 2024
Demand For Graduates 2035

If you’re starting to think about what you want to do after you finish your course, there is good news. According to Universities UK “Jobs of the Future”  report, demand for university graduates in Wales is expected to significantly increase by 2035, matching trends across the UK. This boost is due to the need to fill skill gaps and tackle future workforce challenges.

So, what does this mean for you? Well, the report says that over 400,000 more graduates will be needed in Wales, with a significant 95% of new jobs in the area requiring a university degree. Here are some key takeaways from the report:

  • By 2035, it’s estimated that 95% of new jobs in Wales will need a university degree.
  • Across the UK, over 11 million more graduates will be needed to fill roles in sectors like STEM, health, education, and business services.
  • Right now, the UK workforce includes 15.3 million graduates. This projected increase highlights a major shift in job market demands.
  • The rise of AI is expected to create a net increase of 10% in UK roles requiring a degree over the next 20 years, adding nearly 500,000 more professional and scientific positions.

With technology advancing so quickly, more than half of the businesses surveyed believe that workers will need to retrain at least once in their careers. This means lifelong learning and adaptability are becoming more important than ever.

This report by Universities UK not only forecasts a big increase in demand for graduates in Wales but also shows how Welsh universities are key in building skills for emerging industries. By integrating cutting-edge technologies and innovative teaching methods, universities are preparing you to meet future workforce challenges.

On top of that, insights from Careers Wales emphasise that the job market in Wales is evolving due to technological advancements and the green agenda. Key sectors like digital technology, renewable energy, and advanced manufacturing are expected to grow, which means there will be a higher demand for skills in new technologies and sustainable practices. Ongoing education and training will be crucial.

Employers are now looking for skills such as digital literacy, problem-solving, and adaptability. These are essential to navigate the complexities of modern workplaces influenced by automation and digital transformation. If you’re reading this on the e-Hub, you will have seen firsthand how universities in Wales have embedded these competencies in your course to better prepare you for future job opportunities.

By using resources available on the e-Hub, you can stay informed about the latest job trends, develop relevant skills, and access a support network that enhances your career prospects. This benefits not only you but also contributes to a more robust and dynamic workforce in Wales, ready to meet the demands of the future economy.

A report from BBC News highlighted that the changing job market in Wales is about the quality of jobs, not just the quantity. Young people thinking about leaving Wales for higher wages might actually find better financial benefits by staying. Darogan Talent, a company working to counter the graduate “brain drain,” points out that despite higher salaries in London, the cost of living there is also much higher. This means you could retain more of your income by working in Cardiff or Bangor for example, where living expenses are significantly lower, making the financial gain more favourable if you choose to stay and work locally.

In summary, the projected increase in demand for graduates in Wales by 2035 presents a huge opportunity for you. By focusing on continuous education, skill development, and leveraging resources like those on the e-Hub, you can maximise your career prospects and help build a thriving, innovative economy in Wales.

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